Vaccines for Puppies & Dogs

Vaccines are an effective way to protect your canine companion against harmful diseases.

A new puppy comes with many responsibilities, especially the duty of keeping them protected from infectious diseases. For your puppy to live a long and healthy life, it is important to keep up to date with their vaccine schedule. It is even more important for puppies as the antibodies they receive from their mother will slowly fade and make them more susceptible to diseases. To learn more about the types of vaccines your dog will need, call us at 519-653-1003.

What types of vaccines will my dog need?

Core vaccines include:

  • Distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, parvovirus (DHPP)
  • Rabies

Non-core vaccines include:

  • Bordetella (kennel cough)
  • Leptospirosis
  • Lyme

At what age should I bring my puppy for their vaccinations?

Puppy vaccines begin at around 8 weeks of age. The booster is then repeated in 4 weeks at 12 and 16 weeks of age. Adult vaccine schedules may vary depending on their lifestyle and risk factors. During the initial consult, we will curate a vaccine schedule that will best protect your puppy.

Why does my dog need to be revaccinated?

Just like humans, immunity fades after a certain duration as the number of antibodies decrease. In most properly vaccinated dogs, the immunity should be good for 1+ years but the decline rate varies between individuals. To maintain the best protection, revaccinations are recommended. As vaccines are improved over time, some do not need to be given as often as it also depends on your dog's risk factors. Low-risk dogs may be revaccinated every 3 years but higher risk dogs may require annual boosters.

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