Poop and Your Pet’s Health

Bring Us Your Pet’s Poop! It Might Give Us Important Information About Their Health!

The team at Gateway Pet Hospital cares deeply about PREVENTATIVE HEALTH. We are aiming to identify more intestinal parasites to combat disease, and prevent spread to other animals and humans. Fecha April 18, 2021 Texto

Scoop it, bag it and bring it to us.

Samples must be same-day fresh and never frozen (kind of sounds like baking...but a super gross version!)

The team at Gateway Pet Hospital cares deeply about PREVENTATIVE HEALTH. We are aiming to identify more intestinal parasites to combat disease, and prevent spread to other animals and humans.

Why is fecal testing important?

  • Intestinal parasites can be harboured in an animal's body with no clinical signs.
  • Many intestinal parasites are transmissible to humans (the very young, old and immunocompromised and pregnant individuals are at particular risk).
  • Some types of parasites can still be transmitted in winter when many pets are not on monthly prevention.
  • Some types of parasites such as giardia and coccidia are not treated by routine parasite preventatives.
  • Parasites may be present in the environment in high enough numbers that preventatives are less effective, and chronic re-infection can occur.
  • Some doses of parasite preventative may be missed (we are all human and sometimes forget), or spit out inadvertently.

What about indoor cats?

  • Unfortunately, indoor only cats still are at risk of developing intestinal parasites.
  • Bugs, dirt from shoes, fleas carried in on human clothing, and other animals in the house are all possible sources of infection for indoor cats.
  • Fecal analysis at least once yearly is strongly recommended. More frequent testing and routine deworming may be recommended depending on your cat's risk factors.

Which dogs are at higher risk?

  • Dogs that visit dog parks: A recent study showed that fecal samples taken from 85% of dog parks tested positive for at least 1 type of intestinal parasite.
  • Dogs under the age of 4 are at higher risk of harbouring intestinal parasites. Dogs under the age of 1 are the highest risk group.
  • Dogs that roam freely in yards, or off leash during walks.
  • Dogs that eat feces, or other prey animals.

Spring is a great time to bring your pet's fecal sample as this test can be run at a reduced rate in combination with their 4dx testing (heartworm and tick born disease panel). Alternatively, bring a fecal sample with your pet when they are coming in for their annual health examination. As always, if you have any questions or concerns about your pet's stool consistency or other health concerns please contact us! We can be reached by phone at 519-653-1003 or email at info@gatewaypethospital.com